Spring Break

We are now entering the season of Spring Break. Schools take off for a week. Parents may or ay not vacation. And some do staycations. There is so much that begins with the iconic Spring Break. I know many of you have your ideas.

As a parent of older adult children (they are in their early 20’s and I am 48). I am at the stay home and not really vacationing or do much these days. I live vicariously through everyone else. I have done my share of fun and traveling. I do however have a bucket list of traveling I would love to do but my health issues and financial costs get in the way. I love to dream and I dram BIG!

So when my girls were young I sometimes was just happy not having to run around getting them to school and their many activities. All families need a break, hint in the “spring break” part. But that really does not happen. Some children’s sports and activities are year round. UGH! I know right!! Children need a break too! Some families can afford to get away with their kids and some cannot. So hopefully this season you can find inexpensive and free activities to do.

Stay at home ideas:

*spring cleaning at home *binge watching *go downtown (like Chicago where I live) to the museums *movies *miniature golf *cook a meal together (shop for it together first) *family game night *sometimes not having anything planned for the first time in a long time is a vacation in itself *read a book together

What I want to share is that you can basically do anything. You can find a way that is cost effective. If you look around your house I bet you can find something to do with your time off. You can do just about anything during a weekend off or holiday off. I know there are many people all alone out there too so try not to feel dampened on these holiday’s and break times. Trust me I truly understand just because I have family does not mean I get to have holiday’s with them. I know you may need a little push to find something to do when you feel “bored” or “lonely”. Well, try reading a book, clean out a closet, binge watch a show, crochet or knit, start a blog. There is so much out there you can do and I am here to tell you to enjoy this “Spring Break”.

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